Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Birthday Blog!

Yesterday was the Birthday of my mil and sil. I love these gals!

Happy Birthday! Hope you had a great one!!
Last week was my birthday. We didn't do anything special- but in the middle of the day, I decided to get creative and make a cake. We had a bunch of raspberries, so I went and picked them and put them in a real whip cream cake. (I heart real whip cream made from whipping cream!!!) We also had mint leaves that I put on top too- just to decorate!
So after I was done, I was cleaning up in the kitchen and Nolan and I had this conversation:

N: Mom, You should totally be on Chopped.

Me: Oh, thanks Honey, but that show is for professional chefs and cooks. I don't have those skills. They use food that I would have no idea of how to prepare and cook.

Me: I do have to say that I think it would be fun if they had a housewife version of that show.

N: What?

Me: Like where they give moms simple items to work with like a cake mix, hot dogs and mac n cheese.

N: Yeah- you could put the hot dogs in the mac n cheese and then put it in a cake mix and bake it.

Me: ????? - ummmm....yeah ....maybe?!?!?

Needless to say, I don't think I am gonna be on Chopped anytime soon!

1 comment:

Nicki said...

Happy late birthday! Loved the cake. How did it taste?