I was so embarrassed.
Then I started thinking about how being a parent is so embarrassing. I have learned a long time ago that if your shirt gets pulled down to your belly button, or your skirt flung overhead by one of your cuddlebunnies- not to even bat an eyelash. (In the theory of "If they haven't seen it by now- it is about time"- Thanks Heidi for teaching me this phrase!)
But it seems like the things they say out loud make me more red in the face than their "accidental" actions.
I was brought back to a memory about 3 years ago. We were at church and the 2 older kids liked to choose either me or Jon and ride home with. (Back in the day when Jon had to take his truck because of his early meetings- but was still able to come home right after church). They liked to see which of us could get them home faster than the other parent. It was a race/game.
That particular day, both kids chose Jon to ride home with. After they told their dad that they would be riding home with him, they took off running toward their Mom, who was dragging their little brother down a crowded church hall. They felt it important to block me in the hall and shout, "Don't beat us, Mom." Mom, Don't beat us!"
I saw a lot of stares and some giggles from the crowd around us. I wished I had a microphone in hand at that moment to explain the bigger story of what our church friends had just heard.
I don't beat my kids. (Okay- just maybe on the ride home!-lol)
Oh that is funny. It is just like Evelyn screaming at Chuck E Cheese's that I wasn't really her Mommy and she needed to go home with someone else. Stephen and I constantly hold our breath every time one of them opens their mouth.
I laughed out loud!
BTW I am not getting your emails... I will email you instead!
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