We had a very nice vacation in Bicknell,Utah!
We went to Ritchfield and eat at Tumbleweeds mexican restaurant.
Then we went to Cove Fort. Pres. Hinkley's Grandpa founded the fort.To learn more, click Here!

Whip-cha! Drive that wagon, Nolan!
Here is the inside of the fort! It was neat to go into all the rooms and see how the pioneers lived!
The fort lookout!
Back at Bicknell, we took family pics.
(Sonja, I will let you do your magic on this picture to lighten it!- hehe!)
Jon and his siblings
Aaron, Jon, Kristen and Amy
What a cute family...ahhh!
The sad part is only one of us in the saddles is preg-o and it's not me even though I look like it here! (Too much good vacation food!)

Aaron, Jon, Kristen and Amy
The kids kick back!
Uncle Aaron keeps them busy on the four wheeler!
This man let the kids come up and fish for trout in his pond!
(I forgot his name, but I am sure that someone will comment that knows it- hint, hint!)
Carli caught the most fish (3)
Nolan caught the biggest fish!
Bridger was happy with his one fish!
Uncle Nathan caught his first trout!
(But didn't want to touch it!)
(Apparently there aren't any in Oklahoma...Who Knew?!?)
I made Jon pose for this pic of the view behind him
(and no, I don't mean the trash can!)
We were driving home and had about 2 1/2 hours to go when we heard this big "clash" noise. Jon ducked, I cussed and Jack was oblivious to anything. We turned around and saw that the back, side window had shattered. We think that maybe a pebble or something hit it. Luckily the 3 kids stayed with Jon's mom, so no one was sitting in the back seat to get hurt.
(Aunt Amy and her mini- me!)
And don't worry- the windshield was fixed while we were in Amsterdam and it only cast $100 with our insurance!