Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Woo Hoo!

Jonny is done teachin' classes at the university!
(Do happy dance now!)

He just gave the final tonight! He likes teaching- but with a full time jobby and a bishopric calling (not to mention the ol' wifey and 4 kids and tons out outside work) he is worn out!
Now we are ready for summer!
(Do happy dance now!)

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Bandit!

Who stole the cookies from the Cookie Jar?The Jar was full.
Where did they go? Um.. Oh.. Now I know!

Mouse stole the cookies from the cookie Jar.

Who Me? Couldn't be! Please don't tease, I eat cheese!

Then Who stole the cookies. Where did they go. Um Oh! Now I know!

Squirrel took the cookies from the cookie Jar!Who Me? Couldn't be! I munch nuts for lunch.
Then who stole the cookies? The jar was full where did they go? Um…Oh! Now I know!

Turtle took the cookies.
Who me? Couldn't be! As you know, I'm much too slow!
But Hey!- This guy looks suspicious!
Are those his sister's tights on his head?

Future Carreer: A Masked Cookie Bandit!

(As long as he shares 1/2 of his loot with Mom! It's fine with me! Hehe!)

Monday, April 28, 2008

A Late Start!

Usually we have our garden up by now, but this year it has been so cold, and we have been so busy, that we just haven't been able to do it until now! Our Bishop counseled our ward to start a garden! We did it as a family for FHE.
The Kids are old enough that they actually REALLY helped! It was great!
Jon makes Great straight rows!
Whatcha plantin', Nolan?
Carli helped Dad the Most!
(even more than Mom- Jack was getting fussy!)
Bridger was pretty good at stealin' my trowel!
Quick Lil' Stinker!
And where was Jack during all of this?
In the grass, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine!

It's our friendly neighborhood garden toad!!!

What are the Jacobs' Growin' this year?

Tomatoes, onions, carrots, corn, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, zucchini, bell peppers, cantelope, basil, watermelon, asperagus, peas, green beans, artichokes, lettuce and a variety of berries.

What are you planting this summer?

Friday, April 25, 2008


Well, it has been a heck of a week with the broken washer. Last fri, the repairman was supposed to come, and I waited all day so that I wouldn't miss him. But it was getting late on fri, and he still hadn't come, so I called and they had no recolection of my appointment. So then I made another appt. with a different co. The man came on Mon. and said that there was something stuck in the back of the drum and that he could get it loose, but it would take him 2 hours and cost about $260. We decided to take it back to Costco. We got a new one, but they had a new model. Instead of the Whirlpool Duet, We had to get the Whirlpool Duet Sport. It looks tons different and isn't really supposed to be a whole lot smaller, but I swear that it is. For years, we had a washer and dryer that didn't match. I was so happy when we bought our set and they matched. Now- we look like gypsies again, with our non- matching set. Well we needed one bad and beggers can't be choosers!
Have A Good Monday!
I caught up on some laundry this weekend- so only 391 more loads left! (Crap, I "love" laundry!)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Carli's Weather!

The kids watch the weather page of the newspaper to see the kids' corner. (This is where kids submit pictures that they have drawn of different kinds of weather) They like to look at the pictures and they also like to look for kids that they know. Carli drew a picture in the Spring of last year in her Kindergarten Class ,when they were learning about weather, to be submitted to the newspaper. It just now came out in the paper. (Her teacher cut it out and gave it to her and I'm glad she did because we only get the paper on the weekends).

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Thinkin' 'Bout Crawlin'!

What are you trying to accomplish today?

Monday, April 21, 2008

T's Creative Juices!

Have you ever woken up one day and said, "Today I'm gonna take a simple thing and make it much harder and more time- consuming than it needs to be."? Yeah- I do this a lot (it's one of the reasons my house looks the way it does!)

Project: Make dinner for my dinner group tonight, including main course, side dish, bread and possibly (a very easy) dessert.

Okay so these tarts were Not very easy- but they are super YUM! And very lovely to the eye!

The main course will be chicken alfredo. It is a lil' different. I got the recipe from a friend cuz it is Super Good!

Itialian Chicken Alfredo

In crockpot, put:

1/2 cup butter

3-4 chicken breasts

1 pkg. dry Italian salad dressing mix

Cook for 4 hours, cut up chicken and then add:

1 (8oz) cream cheese

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 can cream of chic. soup

1 cup milk

cook for an additional 2-3 hours and then serve over noodles.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Spin Cycle Mayhem!

So I learned that there is one more thing that should never be taken for granted! Of couse I learned this the hard way.......

Remember how I am always saying that the Laundry and me don't get along well together, and it is really not fun when you have 593 loads of laundry to do in a week (no exaggeration there). Well- I guess that the Lord is trying to teach me a lesson.

The washer broke last night. It is a great front loader that we just bought 2 yrs. ago. I think that it is an electrical problem (that is what the code it keeps beeping at me says anyway- it won't spin) the repair man can't come until friday! And I was just thinking that we have more laundry than usual too. So at first I thought, "well I guess I actually have a reason not to do laundry,- Yea!" but then after the kids got dressed for school this morning, I didn't think that we could wait that long to do it. So here was my idea.
It works- but it is NOT fun to do. I love my washer and will never take it for granted again!

Does anyone have an antique ringer?
Hope you get better soon, washer- We Miss You!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Book Recommendation!

I found this lil' treasure in a thrift shop this weekend. I got done reading it today. The movie is one of my favorites, but I didn't even know that there was a book that it was based off of. This is a beautiful story, no matter if you read it or watch it. I knew what was coming and I still had tears in my eyes at the end. This book had many good messages. One that stuck with me was not to take things for granted.

Things I Hope I Never Take For Granted:

My Hubby- this is always hard b/c we don't see each other much anymore and when we do- we have 4 kids to think about, talk about and that are ready to interupt us. But he is a good man and he means so much to me. I appreciate all he does for me and our kids.

That the Lord always answers my prayers. No matter how serious or petty, He never ceases to bless me!

My house. We are really lucky to have a house that fulfills all of our needs.

My health. I have never had any serious health problems, but have watched family members suffer at times. I need to start excersising regualrly (my hubby is inspiration in this). But I am thankful for the Word of Wisdom. (Yeah- I know I can do w/o that fourth cookie and vanilla coke too- don't judge me:)

Family- Kids, parents,grand-parents, in-laws, and all. We are richly blessed with good people that love us. We are always thankful for what they teach us!

Friends- I have lived in 3 different states and we have made so many good friends that have been like our family. We Love you all. Thanks for listening to me, watching the kids or putting up with me bugging you about your good recipes.

I know that Nicholas Sparks has wrote "The Notebook," which was also a lovely story (I have only seen the movie). Has anyone ever read anything else that he wrote?! I am curious! (I don't think I have ever read a big love story,like this one, from a male author).

Monday, April 14, 2008

I Understand the Lil' Ol' Lady in the Shoe!

So last week we went to the dentist (Nolan has one cavity that we are taking care of on fri- Oh Man- I am NOT looking forward to that). Anyway- the regular hygienist was out, so they had a substitute hygienist for the day. She was younger than I am. I had Nolan and Carli with me to both get check- ups and was carrying Jack while she took me to my room. Then she said, "Wow- you have ALL your kids with you today." I said, "No- we have another lil' one that a friend is watching." Then she was quiet for awhile and then said, "Well you deserve a lot of credit because that is a lot of work. I just have a dog and he is a lot of work!" Then there was another pause and she said, "Are you gonna have more?" (I got the impression that she thought we were crazy for having so many to begin with) I said, "Well 4 is kinda a lot- don't ya' think?" I think she was relieved!

The funny part is that the kids were all GREAT! Not a peep out of the older 2 and Jack fell asleep. If she thought that was bad, she should have seen us on a "normal" day! I wonder if the lil' ol' Lady in the shoe ever got comments that made her feel like a backwater-hillbilly- redneck who had never heard of birth control? I totally feel for that (imaginary) woman!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I Heart Ped Egg!!!

So I guess that I walked barefoot for too many summers in Vegas. My feet are pretty bad for my age (and getting worse every summer). Don't worry I will spare you a pic. of my feet. But I heard about this neat lil' contraption for calluses and dry skin on feet. It is called Ped Egg. It is only $10 at Walgreens. You rub it on the bottom of your feet and VOILA!- Bye Bye dry, rough, cracked skin!
(Jon called it the cheese grater for your feet- but hey- I have no shame!- whatever works!)
So I bought one to try and now I love it! I tried every lotion known to man last year (including some yucky smelling ones!) and my feet were still getting worse! But this summer- Watch Out!- I plan to have sexy feet (Oh Baby!)
Did I just discover a good Christmas present?!?!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Missing My Gramma... On Her Birthday!

It's weird. In April, every year I always think, "Oh Gramma's Birthday is coming up." But she has been gone now for well over a decade. We were so close and she helped raise me. I guess that April 12th is embedded in me to help me think of her! She was patient and loving and I miss her dearly!So "Happy Birthday, Grandma Ann!" Wherever you are, you are still remembered!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Jack Jack Surprise Attack

Let me introduce you to my two little friends. They just arrived last week. I wasn't feeling well and my Mom didn't know why I had a fever and sick tummy.

(But I feel tons better now!)

Can You see them?How 'bout now?
Aren't they awesome?!
I am sure excited to have two new teeth. I have been biting on everything and soon I will get to eat real food!
Ironically, my Mom and Brother and Sister are all going to the dentist tomorrow!
If my Bro. and Sis get a special prize for being good at the Dentist, do you think I will get a special prize just for growing these suckers?
What are you working on?

Monday, April 7, 2008

Chaos at Costco!

So I guess that this is one of those days where a mother needs validation (Elder Ballard's Talk- was on YouTube- I put it on the side of my blogspot- even though you can't see all of him- you can still hear it- don't forget to pause the music) I'm thinking of making wallet sized copies for Jon and the kids!)
My efforts today felt pointless with one particular child! Here is the thing. Nolan goes out on an errand with me or Jon and he is great! However, if we take 3 or all 4 of the kids- Nolan causes more problems than all of them together- no really! We met Jon today for lunch at Costco. From the minute we got in the store- it was a mess. Anything we found that was not bolted down, he picked up and hit his sister with. My favorite, was when he hit her with an empty paper cup and she wailed like a wolf! (yet when I bumped her with the cart by accident (and I think I got her pretty good) she was fine and shrugged it off) The poor kid lost some of his privileges for 2 days. I am running out of things for them to do over spring break. (it's too bad we are not having happy weather so they can just go outside!) I just have to remember the times when they have(and occasionally still do) get along. Right?!?

This Halloween there was no fighting over candy- Its hard to fight when your sis. doesn't even know what candy is!)

Look at this, no one is fighting for that little orange traffic cone Carli is eating- it's hard to believe!

Again- no fighting. They aren't even looking at the same toy!

What? They are laying next to each other- and no one is crying?- They are even smiling? What were we giving the kids?

Is that almost a cuddle?

I don't want my kids to grow up (okay, just a lil' bit mentally on days like this)- I love them and cherish the time they are little!

Question- Can we still drop off our kids at school even though it is Spring Break?

Tomorrow- we are going to Walmart to spend their Easter $. (Of Course, this was suggested b4 our trip to Costco today!) Enter Wal-mart at your own risk tomorrow!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Conference and Kids

Since we have had kids, we have realized how hard it is to watch conference. Just when Jon and I get cozy and a speaker that we really want to hear comes on, it is at that time that the kids decide to hit each other and cry decibels louder than usual. Needless to say, we don't always get to hear a lot of conference. Unfortunately, this weekend wasn't much different. However, I am noticing Carli's desire to know more about conference and all those that speak. Thanks to all those who e-mailed me kid-conference-packets (and to Terri who put the link on her blog)- I was able to print out the worksheets and my son and daughter did them. Carli was the one who really got into it! Here is her rendition of the Prophet's tie. Was it just me, or did they wear a lot of red ties today? (I guess I have really never noticed their ties before the kids started coloring them!)
I think I really love these packets!Hope you had a great Conference Weekend!
If you want to know more about conference and what we believe, go HERE!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Breathe a Lil' Easier!

This is what I did this week! Now I feel a lil' better about the price of flour going up!

I still have to put this wheat and beans in the buckets- but at least it is bought and in the house!!!
Food Storage Rocks!!!
If there comes a time to use our food storage, my family won't have to eat grass! (Well- not for awhile anyway!)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Freaky, The Strange and The Super Scary!

There are some things that I would rather not post. But when you have 3 mouths in your house that don't have good judgement to know when to stop talking, it is better to explain the whole story, so that you don't get tiny bits of a different stories to confuse you!

Firstly- I was in the kitchen with Nolan yesterday when I discovered that he was eating salt. Yes, just a cup of salt. Then he thought that he would put a teaspoon of water in it- Just enough to make it moist. Then he had another idea that he tried and it freaked him out. I was doing the dishes when we had a conversation that went something like this:
N- "Mom, I know a rule that we need to have for all this kids in this house."
T- "Oh! What's that?"
N-"We can't put a cup of wet salt in the microwave because it will spark in just a couple of seconds!
T- "WHAT?!?"

Well- Who knew that salt would do that- He just had it in a plastic container- so that couldn't have started the sparks- It must have been the salt- of course- I am not going to try it again to find out.

Carli has had a tooth that has been a lil' loose-but she hasn't been able to wiggle it because her teeth are so crooked-it wouldn't wiggle very much. She rarely talked about it. This morning Jon came in the room and said- "Did you hear what happened with Carli's tooth?" He said that he went in to wake her up and she said, "oh what's this?" and fished in her mouth and pulled out her tooth. Jon said that her blood coagulated around in the hole- so it must have fallen out a few hours b4 she woke up. It was a miracle that she didn't swallow it. (Then Nolan wondered what would happen if it did get swallowed- and we had the whole "it will come out in your poo conversation" which he thought was very interesting and pretty funny!) (I know sometimes she is hard to understand, esp. when she gets excited- so Grandmas, act surprised when she tells you!)

Lastly- I really didn't want to post this- but I know that the kids are gettin' ready to tell people cuz it was quite traumatic for all of us! Last night, I was getting dinner set-up for the kids. Jon was teaching - so he didn't come home until later. I put Jack on the counter in his lil' high chair (the ones that usually attach to a chair). Anyway, he was in it half of the day as I was making dinner for our dinner group and he liked to watch me from the counter. Well- I put him in it while I was serving dinner to the kids, but didn't put the tray on it. Jack was fine, but started getting fussy and then was moving his body back and forth. He was about 2 feet away from the edge of the counter, but he still made himself push forward, and I started to run to him- but before I could catch him, he fell over, high chair still attached. He fell on the rug (Thank goodness- something was a there to cover the hard floor) and I picked him up immediately. He cried hard and then he was fine. I kept checking for a big bump- but never found one. Not even a red spot. I don't know how he landed. He has been sleeping a lot- but I think he is fighting a bug- so he has been tired a lot lately anyway. (Don't worry- we watched him really close the first few hrs. after it happened to make sure he wouldn't sleep!) He is fine, but we are all shook up!

I think that my "Mother of the Year Award" is coming any day now!