Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Freaky, The Strange and The Super Scary!

There are some things that I would rather not post. But when you have 3 mouths in your house that don't have good judgement to know when to stop talking, it is better to explain the whole story, so that you don't get tiny bits of a different stories to confuse you!

Firstly- I was in the kitchen with Nolan yesterday when I discovered that he was eating salt. Yes, just a cup of salt. Then he thought that he would put a teaspoon of water in it- Just enough to make it moist. Then he had another idea that he tried and it freaked him out. I was doing the dishes when we had a conversation that went something like this:
N- "Mom, I know a rule that we need to have for all this kids in this house."
T- "Oh! What's that?"
N-"We can't put a cup of wet salt in the microwave because it will spark in just a couple of seconds!
T- "WHAT?!?"

Well- Who knew that salt would do that- He just had it in a plastic container- so that couldn't have started the sparks- It must have been the salt- of course- I am not going to try it again to find out.

Carli has had a tooth that has been a lil' loose-but she hasn't been able to wiggle it because her teeth are so crooked-it wouldn't wiggle very much. She rarely talked about it. This morning Jon came in the room and said- "Did you hear what happened with Carli's tooth?" He said that he went in to wake her up and she said, "oh what's this?" and fished in her mouth and pulled out her tooth. Jon said that her blood coagulated around in the hole- so it must have fallen out a few hours b4 she woke up. It was a miracle that she didn't swallow it. (Then Nolan wondered what would happen if it did get swallowed- and we had the whole "it will come out in your poo conversation" which he thought was very interesting and pretty funny!) (I know sometimes she is hard to understand, esp. when she gets excited- so Grandmas, act surprised when she tells you!)

Lastly- I really didn't want to post this- but I know that the kids are gettin' ready to tell people cuz it was quite traumatic for all of us! Last night, I was getting dinner set-up for the kids. Jon was teaching - so he didn't come home until later. I put Jack on the counter in his lil' high chair (the ones that usually attach to a chair). Anyway, he was in it half of the day as I was making dinner for our dinner group and he liked to watch me from the counter. Well- I put him in it while I was serving dinner to the kids, but didn't put the tray on it. Jack was fine, but started getting fussy and then was moving his body back and forth. He was about 2 feet away from the edge of the counter, but he still made himself push forward, and I started to run to him- but before I could catch him, he fell over, high chair still attached. He fell on the rug (Thank goodness- something was a there to cover the hard floor) and I picked him up immediately. He cried hard and then he was fine. I kept checking for a big bump- but never found one. Not even a red spot. I don't know how he landed. He has been sleeping a lot- but I think he is fighting a bug- so he has been tired a lot lately anyway. (Don't worry- we watched him really close the first few hrs. after it happened to make sure he wouldn't sleep!) He is fine, but we are all shook up!

I think that my "Mother of the Year Award" is coming any day now!


Jan said...

Your award is on the way. I am shipping it right now so that you can get thru another day. Completely ignore my post of enjoy them while they are home. I forgot all these little things. Joking. Glad everything from salt,tooth and the fall worked out in the end.

Debie Spurgeon said...

That's scary! Thank goodness he fell on the rug. Don't worry, it happens to every mom. The salt story is unbelieveable. That's so funny!

Debie Spurgeon said...

That's so funny. Keep posting. Visit my blog. www.ourpreteenworld.blogspot.com

Elizabeth said...

That is kinda sad for jack. Oh and I changed my blog name. www.lizzyashandkenken.blogspot.com