Monday, April 21, 2008

T's Creative Juices!

Have you ever woken up one day and said, "Today I'm gonna take a simple thing and make it much harder and more time- consuming than it needs to be."? Yeah- I do this a lot (it's one of the reasons my house looks the way it does!)

Project: Make dinner for my dinner group tonight, including main course, side dish, bread and possibly (a very easy) dessert.

Okay so these tarts were Not very easy- but they are super YUM! And very lovely to the eye!

The main course will be chicken alfredo. It is a lil' different. I got the recipe from a friend cuz it is Super Good!

Itialian Chicken Alfredo

In crockpot, put:

1/2 cup butter

3-4 chicken breasts

1 pkg. dry Italian salad dressing mix

Cook for 4 hours, cut up chicken and then add:

1 (8oz) cream cheese

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 can cream of chic. soup

1 cup milk

cook for an additional 2-3 hours and then serve over noodles.


Jan said...

Like ya right missy. I wake up every morning and say I want my life to be harder than it needs to be. But oh how pretty harder is. They look delicious for sure. You put your heart and soul into them.
The Alfedo sounds delishes and pretty easy. Sounds like I would want to be in your group for sures.

Debie Spurgeon said...

I know what you mean though. It's satisfying to look at a pretty creation and think, "I did that."
You dinner group is in for a real treat tonight.

Jodi said...

Yummy!! They look delicious - and I'm sure they taste that way too!

♥miss~mattie♥ said...

Yummy. Those look so good. I think I'm going to make them. I hope they turn out as good as they look.
Bye bye.

Jan said...

Terra, you about cracked me over the table at your comment. I am roaring. Brooke was a young woman I was over many moons ago. She lives far away now and hasn't seen our new home. She was curious on how it looked so I showed her and then had to put up a few memories about us. We did have some fun times for sure.

Kori said...

Those tarts look perfect. Yummy!

l.a.c. said...

they were as good as they look! and the alfredo was delicious -- super dinner, once again terra! thank you for putting so much effort into our meal...we will try to return the favor (but we really are NOT good in the dessert department!)!

Jan said...

Terra, its nearing the end of the month again. What do you say? How about you set up the appointments and I will follow you. I must irritate the living day lights out of them. They need a kinder voice.