Who stole the cookies from the Cookie Jar?The Jar was full.
Where did they go? Um.. Oh.. Now I know!

Mouse stole the cookies from the cookie Jar.

Who Me? Couldn't be! Please don't tease, I eat cheese!
Then Who stole the cookies. Where did they go. Um Oh! Now I know!
Squirrel took the cookies from the cookie Jar!
Who Me? Couldn't be! I munch nuts for lunch.

Then who stole the cookies? The jar was full where did they go? Um…Oh! Now I know!
Turtle took the cookies.
But Hey!- This guy looks suspicious!
Are those his sister's tights on his head?
Future Carreer: A Masked Cookie Bandit!
(As long as he shares 1/2 of his loot with Mom! It's fine with me! Hehe!)
What is is about boys that makes them so fascinated with tights. My boys love them too, especially ripping holes in them.
That is hippity hoppity funny. I love that book too. And the way your cookies look, come on. Who wouldn't want to steal them. Men in tights. They will never grow up.
cute. Scott put tights on for mutual, I will post the pics as soon as i get them. (over his jeans of course)
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