Monday, April 28, 2008

A Late Start!

Usually we have our garden up by now, but this year it has been so cold, and we have been so busy, that we just haven't been able to do it until now! Our Bishop counseled our ward to start a garden! We did it as a family for FHE.
The Kids are old enough that they actually REALLY helped! It was great!
Jon makes Great straight rows!
Whatcha plantin', Nolan?
Carli helped Dad the Most!
(even more than Mom- Jack was getting fussy!)
Bridger was pretty good at stealin' my trowel!
Quick Lil' Stinker!
And where was Jack during all of this?
In the grass, enjoying the fresh air and sunshine!

It's our friendly neighborhood garden toad!!!

What are the Jacobs' Growin' this year?

Tomatoes, onions, carrots, corn, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, zucchini, bell peppers, cantelope, basil, watermelon, asperagus, peas, green beans, artichokes, lettuce and a variety of berries.

What are you planting this summer?


Kori said...

We are doing tomatoes and strawberries. It is hard when you have a little yard, but hey we are going to try.

Jan said...

Love love love love love this. Did I say I love this. Let me count the ways....4587 so far. Good job Terra girl. Love the toad. Maybe thats who I hear at night. Stay there little guy.

Jan said...

I forgot to say what were planting. So far potatoes are up. yeah. We will have alot of the same except the eggplant. I didn't even think about that one. We are growing the broccoli this year. Watch out for worms when you clean it. And artichokes is another one I didn't think about. Your way more exotic than me you little spice girl you.

Aaron said...

I enjoyed the pictures, Those kids are really growing up fast. But most of all I love seawolf. Do you like them, or is that just the only song that fit your blog for the day?

Debie Spurgeon said...

We are going to get an even later start, but we're on it. What a fun time together, now if the kids can just keep up on the weeding.
Who on earth was brave enough to pick up that toad??????????

terramisu said...

We have a recipe for eggplant sandwiches. Its the only vegetarian thing Jon will eat!
I love that you are my personal food storage cheerleader!
"Raw Raw Terra"
"Raw Raw Graden!" Ilove it!

You guessed it. I just put the song on there cuz it went with my blog today! But i love music (and luv'd that song!) so I will have to do some research on seawolf! Thanx!

Deb- Your'e supposed to weed? What?

Deborama said...

that toad is so cute, my kids loved it. I want a garden, the park people act like Im not allowed to put one out there? Rude. Can we have a corner of yours? We will let you water and weed it for us?! :)

rip said...

Our garden consists of Tomatoes, onions, carrots, corn, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, zucchini, bell peppers, cantaloupe, basil, watermelon, asparagus, peas, green beans, artichokes, lettuce and a variety of berries. Wow! that looks just like yours! Hmmm. Do you think when the bishop counseled to have a garden, it was so he wouldn't have to?
Because we are selling, we didn't put one in this year. Shame, shame.