Since we have had kids, we have realized how hard it is to watch conference. Just when Jon and I get cozy and a speaker that we really want to hear comes on, it is at that time that the kids decide to hit each other and cry decibels louder than usual. Needless to say, we don't always get to hear a lot of conference. Unfortunately, this weekend wasn't much different. However, I am noticing Carli's desire to know more about conference and all those that speak. Thanks to all those who e-mailed me kid-conference-packets (and to Terri who put the link on her blog)- I was able to print out the worksheets and my son and daughter did them. Carli was the one who really got into it! Here is her rendition of the Prophet's tie.
Was it just me, or did they wear a lot of red ties today? (I guess I have really never noticed their ties before the kids started coloring them!)
I think I really love these packets!
Hope you had a great Conference Weekend!
If you want to know more about conference and what we believe, go HERE!

If you want to know more about conference and what we believe, go HERE!
I didn't notice the color of there ties. So if I printed the worksheets I would probably pay attention to there ties but I didn't. Those worksheets looked so fun. My mom said she was going to print them out but then she realized that there was a lot of pages and she didn't want to waste paper. This is the most I have ever wathched conference. My mom would call me and say the prophet is on when I didn't watch conference before. I was really into it today {a little}. Well it was a good one. I like your childrens ties.
Bye bye.
Miss Mattie was excited for me to see your post. She loved it. I really like the ties a lot. They were a great idea for sure. Conference was amazing. I am totally inspired.
Glad you had a nice weekend.
Have a great Spring Break. Miss Mattie wants you to know she has a contest going on too. ;)
Our kids did those packets as well. I even did some of the word finds! Too fun. How do you get the church music on your playlist?
Hey Terra,
Just me with another blog question! I know you're sick of me with all these questions. Do they make a "Blogging for dummies" book. Let me know!HA. Anywho... how do you make other links in your posts. Do you know what I mean? Like when you referred to your friends blog in your latest post.
i love you and your tie posters.and you are so cutt. love mom.
I loved the tie coloring page too. Great idea!! Yep, in October I told my kids we are going to the church to watch conference because they aren't reverent at home. We'll be sittin' in the chapel by ourselves, but I don't care.
The play list worked. Thanks.
Bye bye.
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