So last week we went to the dentist (Nolan has one cavity that we are taking care of on
fri- Oh Man- I am NOT
looking forward to that). Anyway- the regular
hygienist was out, so they had a substitute
hygienist for the day. She was younger than I am.

I had Nolan and
Carli with me to both get check- ups and was
carrying Jack while she took me to my room. Then she said, "Wow- you have ALL your kids with you today." I said, "No- we have another
lil' one that a friend is watching." Then she was quiet for awhile and then said, "Well you deserve a lot of credit because that is a lot of work. I just have a dog and he is a lot of work!" Then there was another pause and she said, "Are you gonna have more?" (I got the impression that she thought we were crazy for having so many to begin with) I said, "Well 4 is kinda a lot- don't ya' think?" I think she was relieved!
The funny part is that the kids were all GREAT! Not a peep out of the older 2 and Jack fell asleep. If she thought that was bad, she should have seen us on a "normal" day! I wonder if the lil' ol' Lady in the shoe ever got comments that made her feel like a backwater-hillbilly- redneck who had never heard of birth control? I totally feel for that (imaginary) woman!
1 comment:
This is funny because one time I was headed to the store to buy of all things a PREGNANCY TEST and I was unloading my kids from the car and this guy commented on how many kids I had, he wasn't rude or anything, just kind of suprised. I wanted so badly to tell him why I was at the store that day. The test came back positive and I thought about what that guy would have said to that.
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