So- since I last blogged, life has happened.

Jon's Grandma passed away. Grandma Ora. We went to the funeral and cried and rejoiced with family. I say rejoiced because Grandma was reunited with Grandpa. It was what she talked about for 11 years. She wanted to see Grandpa again and her father who died when she was 3 months old. We will see you again Grandma Great. We love you!

I have a new niece. Anna Jacobs was born to Jon's sister in July and we all met her (and squished her) a few weeks ago. She is lovely and such a good -natured baby.Here she is in her blessing outfit just after she was blessed. Carli and my heart are a little broken from not being able to see Anna and her family a lot more.

Carli and Carson are best buds when they are together. It is soooo sweet to see Carli take Carson around Gramma's house and play with whatever he can talk her into.Which isn't hard to do because she adores him.

Do you look back at things and see the hand of the Lord in events that have transpired? In May, when Jon's grandma passed away, we were in Utah for a couple of days. Toward the end of our stay, I started talking to my brother in law about him getting married. Okay- I wasn't talking so much as teasing. I teased him a lot about it, actually. And I felt bad. I felt that maybe I should stop teasing him and start helping him. I remember when the idea popped into my head. ZING!
Our Convo went something like this:
ME- "Aaron- I am gonna put you on my mofia board" (my LDS message board of 100+ moms- called the mofia because of the first 3 initials -mof= my online friends)
AARON- um. Okay (Said with a little fear, hesitation, but also I heard a little challenge in it)
Aaron thought that what I was referring to was my blog. I don't know if he woulda let me post his name, pic and info if he realized what I was really doing- so maybe ignorance is bliss-lol

Before I left Utah, everyone on the board wanted to match Aaron with a relative or friend who lived in Utah. But when I made the post, I forgot that there where a couple of single moms on the board. One of the said that she would date him. That led to an invitation for him to email her, which led to a date, which led to dating, which led to an engagement...... I think you know where this is going. lol

A Couple weeks ago, we went to St. George to see April and Aaron sealed for time and eternity in the temple. Not only do Jon and I have a new sis in law- but my kiddos have 2 new cousins. They adore Greta and Andrea. We all do.

I look at things and realize how everything has just fit into place. April and Aaron now reside in Grandma Great's house and things just fit together like they were supposed to. April and her girls were such a needed addition to our family. (I said NEEDED- and I meant it!) I thank the Lord for promptings. I thank Him for timing. I know we are on his schedule and not our own. I see that so much with stories like this. Things fit together like puzzle pieces. Wow.

I also look back and realize the progression. Normally when 2 people meet on the Internet, they both get online separately and then go to the same site and chat or whatever. But in this case, the message board that I belong to, is by invitation only. I look at how many people had to be invited before me and April joined, in order for them to invite us, and I am awed. The Lord set this in motion a long time ago.

I will update with kids and such- but right now need a shower- I get precious little time to myself and this post took longer than I thought it would. lol Have a good Day!!!