Sunday, October 16, 2011

I love us!

(Jack lining up his Star Wars Guys. Has nothing to do with this post- but dang, he is cute!!!)

I don't exactly know what the change is or why, but we have all been feeling it lately. We are more cohesive. We laugh more. We enjoy each other more. I think it has something to do with the kids growing up. We have our own inside jokes and things we laugh at. We make each other laugh. We can somewhat tease now and the older kids are learning how to laugh at themselves. It is a fun time.
At dinner tonight, Bridger came up with the idea that we would all take a turn and tell what we all love about our family. I am still swooning at the question and the answers.
Right now, This has something to do with our inside jokes We quote this daily. Even Jack quotes it on his own (not even prompted by the kids)

There are 6 episodes of Kid History total. Be sure to watch them all. To say that we enjoy them is an understatement!
What do you love about your family?