These pics are in order of last to first- 
Christmas Night, we had cheese fondue. It is fairly quick and easy and the kiddos love it. Any excuse to eat cheese.

Before Christmas, I went to buy a fondue packet and Yokes doesn't carry them in their exotic cheeses anymore, but the man behind the counter said I can make it myself. We have tried and failed too many times, so I didn't believe him. As I was walking away with the recipe in hand, I told him that he would be my best friend if it worked. I guess he is my best friend now cuz after we made it, I danced around for about 15 mins with a big smile on my face while telling Jon every minute and a half that we can now make it ourselves any time we want it.
Any excuse to eat cheese!
Here are some picks of our Christmas Morning:

The elves came back every night throughout dec. These are some things that they did.
Decorated the tree with the kiddos Undies.
Had marshmallows with the stuffed animals and told them about the nativity and Baby Jesus.
Hung around on the ceiling fan
Got into the Barbie clothes and read a Christmas book.
Made snow angels with the sugar (sugar angels)

Typed a letter to Santa to tell them about The fab 4.
Hid in the freezer cuz they missed the cold.
Hid in the silverware drawer with Smurf crackers (Hey- Smurfs are elves too)
Put diapers on my of the stuffed animals.
Carli had a Christmas Band concert at school. She decided to play the trumpet this year.
Hope you had a beautiful Holiday Season!