Sunday, July 26, 2009

Today, I Learned.....

-How my daughter's faith in our Lord NEVER ceases to amaze me and bring tears to my eyes.
-That sometimes scriptures that I have heard all my life but never really understood can finally 'click' and bring new meaning and focus into your life (like this scripture verse, that was explained HERE and taught to me today by This Girl)

-That I could get a tattoo of my dear husband on my forehead with the caption, "Neatest, Sweetest Man on the Planet" and it still wouldn't be enough to let him know that I know that I truly have the most loving and caring man at my side. (If this was too ooey- gooey for you (and I am not married to you)- it is okay- it wasn't for you!)
-And finally, I learned that Jack CAN be good at church...(most of the time, he just chooses not to!)


Lillian Callister said...

Wow are you trying to butter Jon up for something? :)

Sonja said...

Great list!