Saturday, December 29, 2012

Catching Up on Us!- Halloween 2012

 For Halloween - Jack was Mr. Freeze. He designed his helmet himself by saving a box and telling us exactly what he wanted done with it. including frosty glitter sparkles. (that you can see very well from the pics)

 Carli was a Hunter. It was a last minute costume, but she was happy with it.
 Nolan was a Panda. (He LURVES Pandas) He sewed on the white part to the black sweats himself. He even twisted some yellow wrapping paper that I had to make bamboo for the costume.
 Bridger is happy with anything, so this year I bought a alligator water works costume. (It is from a Disney Game.)  I was so sad when I had to buy it. I don't like buying costumes when I can make them and the kids put in their order each year. But alas I was so busy with the house that something had to give. (And he didn't mind.)
 The fab 4

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