Every year the second graders put on a play called, Dinosaur Valley. Neither of the kids have ever had a speaking part (They just sang with the other 2nd graders). So you can imagine my surprise when Carli came home and announced that she had a speaking part. What was her role in the play??? She was a Cycad. Duh? (Actually it took me a minute to figure out that she was a type of plant). (Cycad # 17 to be exact) She only had one line- but still- I was so excited!!! You know there is a small amount of pride that a parent takes on when they get to watch their precious lil' one perform on stage ("Yes!- that is MY child up there!"- nod, nod...wink, wink)
She gave 3 performances today. I went to the morning one (which Nolan also saw cuz it was an assembly for all the students at the school) and Jon and Bridger went to the one this evening.
We got her on the Flip- recorder- but it doesn't zoom in very far and I can't edit the video- so it is kinda long- but she is the 2nd one to speak.
She says: " Not to worry! With Terry's thick hide, he doesn't give a hoot! Besides, in the opinion of Lady Triceratops, Terry's right cute!"
too cute. You could also save that plant collar and make a kermit the frog costume for halloween!
Good job Carli! Aren't the school performances fun? We got to watch Lilly hit sticks together the other day.
PS The baby was borrowed!
Call us to do something fun, we are leaving the 18th and will be back July 26th. (Because you are the most fun family we know, right?)
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