Friday, September 3, 2010

Buzz and Woody

On wed, Jack and I had some to go shopping and get some things that the other kids needed to supplement their school wardrobe. While we were at Kohls, Jack spotted this Buzz outfit and pulled me across the store to check it out. He kept pointing and saying, "Buzz, Buzz!" When I saw it I immediately started laughing cuz it was so darling and I could see him doing all his Buzz moves while running around in it.

Upon further inspection, we realized that Woody also came with the set. He really wasn't as big on Woody as he is Buzz-(It's all about Buzz these days) but he seemed to be pleased holding both in the cart. They cost more than I would have liked to spend on Jammies for a boy that didn't really need any- but he has been treating them like costumes for 2 days. He wears Buzz for 10 mins and then Woody for 10 mins and then we have to help him back into Buzz! But really- who couldn't get a kick outta that face and those moves in that darling sleepwear?

1 comment:

Raina said...

poor Woody, Buzz is always more popular... i totally want some of these (for Harrison, not me)!