Bridger started soccer at the beginning of the fall. None of the kids were really ever in soccer (Nolan and Carli took it for about a month- but only practices, no games.) So we were all excited to watch Bridge in soccer. It took him awhile to get into it- but he finally did and kicked the ball a few times each game. (I think at one time he even scored a goal).

He was so funny in these pics. He saw me with the camera and posed on the field. (I don't think the ref was too happy about that) oops!

Bridger had 2 jerseys that he wore for home and away games. (Even though it was the same field everytime) Jack saw that Bridger was getting all suited up for his big game and wanted to wear Bridgers other jersery. I didn't realize at the time that he thought that since he had the shirt on, he thought hewas playing. He ran out onto the field when Bridger did and was pretty dang unhappy when we pried him off and made him sit on the sidelines.
Bridger just had his last game on Wed. and now won't play again until Spring.