Well- let me tell you. First of all, I have no recollection of the 2 weeks before Thanksgiving - so don't ask. (No- I haven't been drinking-lol- I think we just did the everyday blah -blah -blah -stuff with Christmas shopping smushed in-between)
But for Thanksgiving we went to Utah to spend the holiday with Jon's family. Jon had a drew out for a hunting tag in AZ. So we had Thanksgiving dinner on Wed and on Thurs. morning, Jon and his Brother Aaron left for the mountains of Arizona (who knew they had those there-lol)
The kids and I stayed behind and hung out with my in-laws. It was a good break, but one that lasted longer than intended. Jon didn't shoot his elk until 5pm on the last day. He thought he would shoot his elk in the first couple of days like he did when he went to New Mexico a 2 yrs ago. But it didn't really happen like that. The kids missed 4 days of school last week. they cried (No- not really, they cheered actually-lol)
Did I mention that Jon's family are cattle ranchers in Bicknell, Utah (what....you haven't heard of it?- yeah, that's okay I guess it doesn't help that it doesn't have its own grocery store-lol) But it is a good place to raise cattle! On tues. night, a calf was born and because the weather was so cold, and her mother found a nice wet mudhole to birth her in -(Poor thing- what a rough way to come into the world) she was freezing and not doing so well- so Aaron brought her in the mudroom and we got to see first hand what a rewarding job cattle ranching is. This baby cow was so sweet and sucked down a bottle (actually it was choked down her throat- so she had to swallow- but you get the idea) Jack petted and loved the "Beebee cow"

She couldn't stand up for the longest time- but finally Uncle Aaron's lil' shadow (Carli) helped him to get the calf to stand up.

Then we had Thanksgiving. It was delicious.

The kids took pictures of all of food (individually) - you know I love to look at pics of food-lol
LOVED these beans. They are called dilly beans because they are pickled. They were crunchy and perfect and now I want some!

There are just no words for this pic- (Just an adorable Uncle Aaron moment-lol )

Gramma had it planned that on Thanksgiving day (Since we had already celebrated the day before) that the kiddos could make Turkey cupcakes.

They turned out cute!!

The kids "helped" Gramma decorate for Christmas. -lol Yeah- I'm not sue how much they actually helped, but the house looked gorgeous in the end!

Jack wore his jammies all week. Buzz is all he wears now. I can hardly pry it off of him to wash it. (Actually he has 3 Buzz Jammies and it is still hard to rotate them so that he always has one to wear.)

When I was getting ready to leave and getting things together, I came out in the family room and saw that these four when transfixed on The Grinch. Add some popcorn to the mix and it was an adorable pic of my fab 4!
Thank You Gramma and Grandpa for leting us visit. We really had a Lovely time!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!