Today is our Anniversary. 13 years, Baby- oh yeah! And just an eternity more to go!
Today my poor Jonny is Sick. He came home Tues from work and when we finally took him to the dr. yesterday, he said it looked like Jonny has Pneumonia. Hopefully he will just be getting better before our Christmas break. But that means no celebrating our anniversary for awhile. Until after Christmas probably.
I told the kids it was our anniversary and they asked if we were gonna go out. I said that we weren't going to for awhile. Carli said he can just stay home and smooch. (her word, not mine-lol) I told her I didn't think we would be doing that either. She said that we can just snuggle. I think we WILL be doing that!

Happy Anniversary, Honey!
Hope you feel better soon!
Love, T
happy anniversary you two! :)
feel better soon, jon.
Happy Anniversary!! I hope he is feeling better!
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