We have been busy re-doing our bathroom! (Actually- poor Jon has been working hard at it!- while I chose the colors and now am finishing the laundry!)
He was my best bud...When we were small...
This one is just for fun!!!!
Also: Happy Birthday HAH!
Heidi taught me all about fashion, gossip and
that it is okay to say "Pissed!" Hee Hee!
Have a great 32nd Birthday HAH!
Yesterday: Lots Happened!
Carli was taken to the hospital to get her tubes
(in ears) put back in and to get her adenoids removed!
She had a hard time waking up from it
(She was pretty grouchy and unreasonable)
Nolan had a piano recital
(Carli did too- but missed it due to her surgery)
There is only one Man for me
that by far tops all of these..........
Happy Anniversery, Jon
I Love You!!!
Top Three ReasonsWhy I Love Jon...
#1- He is so compasionate
#2- Always dives in and helps with the kids
(Sometimes before he has changed out of his work clothes)
#3-Knows the Cardinal Rule of a Good Marriage.........
A Happy Wife
is ....
a Happy Life!!!
"Don't Sweat the Petty Things and
Don't Pet the Sweaty Things!!!"
Today's blog is really a mess of things that I had posted to my fridge. I was looking at the fridge last night and realized that I had way to much stuff posted to it. That quote was on there and so was Nolan's artwork...
I Thought that this was an awesome picture. Nolan had a learn to draw book to help him, but what impressed me, was that he put a lot of time into the whole thing!
Nolan always tells me that since I hate flies, I would probably like a house spider that eats flies. As much as I dislike flies, I will take them anyday over spiders- yuck! But, I thought this one was awesome!
And Great Friend...
And 1 Stinkin'- Awesome Mom!
~Hope You Have an Super- Duper Birthday!~
Remember these photos??
~What- we couldn't find a real cow in Montana?"~
~"What exactly were we studying in college?"~