The Daily Whatever
Washington Woman's Uterus Gets a Break!

For years, Washington resident, Terra Jacobs, has been producing children with husband, Jon. "We have had 4 children in 8 years" says Jacobs. "But those were the only children that I was related to."
Recently though, Jacobs is now related to two newborn babies within the last few weeks. "I thought it would never happen" Jacobs expressed. "I never thought I could be related to children that I didn't personally have to give birth to."
When asked who the two new babies belonged to she replied,"My sister in law and my cousin" (Whose new addition could be checked out at
Jacobs is hoping that more relatives will jump on the bandwagon. "I am just praying that these two miracles will be joined by others."
When asked if Jacobs was planning on personally having anymore children she said, "I think that I have done my part in contributing children for our families to get to know and love. I also think that the cost of future therapy for four is about all we can afford."
Recently though, Jacobs is now related to two newborn babies within the last few weeks. "I thought it would never happen" Jacobs expressed. "I never thought I could be related to children that I didn't personally have to give birth to."
When asked who the two new babies belonged to she replied,"My sister in law and my cousin" (Whose new addition could be checked out at
Jacobs is hoping that more relatives will jump on the bandwagon. "I am just praying that these two miracles will be joined by others."
When asked if Jacobs was planning on personally having anymore children she said, "I think that I have done my part in contributing children for our families to get to know and love. I also think that the cost of future therapy for four is about all we can afford."
Really- I guess I don't ave anything better to do with my time!
You're young, why not make another little Jacobs? The more cousins, the better!!!
Tara I am saving bags of maternity clothes in the garage just for you!!! Stephen has asked to donate them several times and I ALWAYS reply, "I am saving them for Tara!!!!"
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well said. =)
Your hilarious! You never say things like this, next thing you know you'll be making an announcement! :)
Terra, you crack me up.
I LOVE this family picture!!
Jon Jon & I loved our cousins so why don't you keep on producing so Harrison will have plenty to love?!
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