So when she had another book recomm. I grabbed one as quickly as I could. (Which was hard cuz I had to special- order it from a bookstore) But I am so glad that I did. Unlike some of the young adults books that I have gotten, this one is very clean and will be a good read for my kiddos in probably a year or 2. The Girl Who Could Fly was very sweet and I hope that there are more books that follow this story. 

I will have to check that book out, I've been interested for awhile and I just need to get around to the library.
Thanks for the review! It is always good to hear reviews from more than one source!
Yay! Another book recommendation. I don't know how you read them so fast. I'm still working on the ones I borrowed from you. I promise my life will be slowing down and I can finish them up. ;) I'm so excited to read this one. Oh, and I loved "Graceling."
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