Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Good One You Tube!

On April 1 last year, on YouTube's home page, any video you clicked on had this video that came up.

This year, every video is upside down.

I got to admit, I think that last year's prank was funnier. Does anybody know what happened to this guy. I mean- can you get any more cheesier for a video? But for a skinny white guy who can't dance- he sure has an incredible voice!


LaDeaux family said...

That guy's not the real singer. But, if I remember right, that's how the real singer danced in his video. I especially liked the friend in the skin tight short shorts jumping into the fence. That was pretty funny.

Sonja said...

The amazing thing about this kid is that it's his real voice. You should look up the Macy Day Parade from 2008, he Rick Rolled it. It was hilarious!