Grandma Sharon is here and I thought I would take a minute and post some of the things that we have been doing lately before there is more to post. So here goes.
Bridger graduated from preschool (Okay- he did- but he didn't. He is old enough to start kinerg. next year- but we are holding him back one year- (long story that starts with decisions with our first child) So he will go again to preschool next year- but it was super cute that Miss Kori had a graduation day for all her students.
Nolan had a recorder concert before school was out. I have been trying to download a video on the flip- but it is not working- aarrrgh! Anyway-when Nolan played his recorder for us at home- he was playing fine- but it sounded so squeaky. But when we went to see all of the 4th graders playing together- it was pretty awesome! (It sounded really cool!)
Carlita Bonita is now a new member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She did a great job (even though her toe or hair bobbed up and Jon had to dunk her twice and the water was ICE Cold)- other than her shaking violently afterward- it went quite well!
Oh! and I was asked to give a talk at her baptism at which I bawled like a baby. (It is not every day that your ONLY baby girl makes such an important decision.)
(The kids who were baptized from our ward)
It was a great day and her friend Camri was able to be baptised that day too. It was cute to see them compare their "cold water" stories (and giggles.)
It was a great day and her friend Camri was able to be baptised that day too. It was cute to see them compare their "cold water" stories (and giggles.)
See Ya' after next week!!!