Monday, January 3, 2011

Stupid Cancer.

I just found out yesterday that a sweet friend of mine recently passed away. We first met Kerry Rapp about 5 years ago when he became our home teacher. I was so embarressed when the first time we met him, that Bridger (then a baby learnng to walk) crawled all over him and wouldn't stay away. I later on realized how much he loved and valued children and how his testimony of the church grew a little each day. I will never forget him asking Jon's permission to hug me the day our HT's came over after I gave a talk at church and bore my testimony of Joseph Smith. I will also never forget the way he gave a HT lesson in our home on parenthood and had tears streaming down his face when he was done. The world is a much sadder place without Bro. Rapp in it. He will be truly missed! I don't think his obituary describes the spirit that was Bro. Rapp but it is HERE if you wanna take a glance. I thank the Lord for the time that we did have to get to know him.


LKP said...

oh man! he left the ward not terribly long after we moved in, but MAN i loved that guy! i adored his Sunday school lessons. so powerful, so full of the Spirit, and every word every time poured straight from his heart & his testimony. i'm with you, stupid cancer!

Lillian Callister said...

Very sad, we will miss him in our ward too.

The glue's name is Hot Stuff and he said there is several kinds out there look for a cyanoacrylate based glue. (Yeah, I know he is a nerd for giving me the chemical name but he inisted that if you go into a hobby store they will know). It was super wonderful glue though, I held it together for two seconds and it stuck, my wood was even wet. I made a glorious 3-D wood sculpture (okay I was really proud of it).