Monday, October 11, 2010

Weekend Update.

Thurs night the 2 oldest kids and Jon and I went to Oklahoma. (The play, not the state) I LOVED the music as I have heard some of it growing up but never knew it was from that play. It was a nice night.

This weekend we prepared for and had a yard sale with our sweet neighbor. Both of us had big plans to spend all the money we were gonna make. Both of us spent most of it that night.

That night Carli and I went with these guys to see a Cinderella play put on by these guys. It was awesome and when it was over we went to Appleby's to spend more of our yard sale moula.

Late, late Sat. night Bridger was visited by the stomach flu fairy. It wasn't a nice visit. She isn't a nice fairy.

Sunday at church, the primary prepared for their annual primary program. I think (hope) it goes well next Sunday.
Sunday for lunch all I wanted were onion rings (cuz I couldn't stop thinking about the yummy ones at Abbleby's the night before) We have tons of big, beautiful onions from our garden, so we made these for lunch. I am LOVING that recipe!

Sunday night, we all watched Apollo 13. I was thinking the kiddos would like this as the 2 oldest can handle serious movies now and they were fascinated that it was a true story.

Because the story took place in the 70's, everyone at NASA used slide rulers instead of calculators. It made me thankful for modern technology. Really, really thankful. I think the sliding ruler will stay with me the next 50 times that I post something on my blog!
Now, recovering still from the weekend, we are tired and ready for a break. (But not wanting to get the tummy flu- we are not ready for that kind of break-lol)

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