Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm Gonna Post About It Anyway!

Here is a book (that I had on my Christmas Wish list) that Jonny bought me. Although, I didn't know too much about the details before I read it. Jonny read it before I did, mostly because he needed a book to take with him when he went to Wa. DC last week. He warned me of how gory it is. Although I REALLY liked this book, it is NOT for everyone. I wasn't even sure if I should put it on my blog, but in the long run I thought, why not?! (My blog is about things that I like)
It is very similar to the Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. So much so, that people are wondering if her idea came from Battle Royale. (However, she said she got her idea from a Greek Mythology tale). I loved the personal stories in here. There are 42 students that are put on an island to fight one another to death until there is a winner. The author tells the story of the "game" from (almost) each student's point of view. (I was really impressed by that). Did I mention that all the students are Japanese? Their names are confusing at first, but not so bad once you start. And did I mention that I LOVED the end? Well, I did! (YOU may not like this book due to the gory bloodshed, the strong language (although I have , unfortunately read worse- by accident- long story) and the sexual implications. (It's not for the skweemish!) Of course I can't stop thinking about the endng!


Jodi said...

Okay, I loved The Hunger Games, so do you think I'd be up to this one?

The Evanites Tribe said...

girl have you read all these books? if so you are my hero...i need to be better about it...sometimes i just feel like a illiterate honky tonky...i guess i should do something about that, huh! lol

Lillian Callister said...

Do you need to make an appointment with your bishop?? :) I just read The Invisible Wall, I picked it up at Target (I know literary paradise all of those Oprah books), but it was excellent and a bonus it was a clean book. (I am really giving you a hard time, come visit so I can tease in person).

Sonja said...

I'll have to put this one on my reading list. Thanks for recommending it, I need stuff to read.