My Dear Blog, (The Jacobs 6)
You know how much you mean to me. You are so important and I don't know what I would do without you. We have shared so much together and you have really been there for me to express my needs and experiences and those of the ones that I love.
But lately I have been feeling that you are not meeting all of my needs. I need more. I need a blog that will let me express my creative individualism.
I have come across a blog called, the Joys of Home that inspired me and made me want to create and get crafty. I can't change you just for my needs, so I have created another blog, HERE that will let me post my creations and ideas. I will post things that I have decorated or old finds that I have breathed new life into. I will also post some of my finds from my recent trip to Seattle on there.
Call me what you will. I am all ready for your name calling. (like "Cheap Blogger," or "Blogging Polygamist") I can take it. But we live in a world where I don't have to choose. I can have two blogs. So I will. (Just be happy I am not starting a book or cooking blog too.) It will be hard to deliver the time and attention it will take to maintain 2 blogs. My new blog will never be as good or take the place in my heart of my first blog.
One day I know you will forgive me for blogging behind your back,
Yours Truly,
P.S.- Yeah I know... my sense of humor lacks some!