Carli with her Achievement Day Leaders

Carli has been watching Nolan go to scouts for a couple of years now. We told her that our Church has a program for girls too. It is called Achievement Days. Carli has been soooo exited to be able to be in a fun program like Nolan is. Today was her first day. They decorated shoe boxes with scrap book paper and modge podge. She was acting shy when I picked her up- but I know she ha a blast. I get to watch 3 boys go through the scouting program, but only get to watch one daughter grow up. This is a milestone for both of us!!!
Yeah for Activity Days. Evelyn loves hanging out with older girls!! (She doesn't seem old enough you know what I mean?)
That's so great! I felt the same way about boys and scouting so I feel her pain and so happy she can have fun now too!
That is really exciting! How fun for Carli to be involved in something like this.
I can't believe your kids are so old now!! Looking through your posted photos of yourself and the kids brought tears to my eyes Terra! I am so proud of you and your motherhood!
Love, Winnie
Thanks for posting a comment. I hope you are doing well and think of you often!
Aaaaaah Terra! That's a scary picture! It was hot (that's why I'm red), it was windy (that's why my hair's crazy), and I LOVE to eat (that's why I'm a "little" on the juicy side). I hope Carli enjoys activity days. I know it's fun for me. To be surrounded by girls for a change. :)
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