Sat. night- Jon and I went to see this local band in concert! It was pretty dang awesome! Go
HERE to listen to some of their songs. We got free cd's at the door and I have been enjoying their music at home. Ya' wanna know something neat-o??? Chase (the lead singer) and his wife are Carli's Sunday School teachers. She thought it was pretty cool when we handed her a t-shirt (also free at the door) with an awesome pic of her teacher's band on the front.

A Seattle band called, Grand Hallway opened for them and I LOVE their
eclectic sound. They had drums, keyboard, guitar, violins, accordion and a banjo included in their music! It was awesome!
Click Here to check out the music and make sure you check out their Blessed Be Honey Bee song! You will sure be glad you did!!!
How cool. I love new sounds.
It was great! And my boys think Chase is a rock star. Jake thinks it's pretty cool that Chase is his Primary teacher too. :)
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