Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Copier!

There are some people who are extremely creative on their own and others that take their ideas and copy them. I am The Copier! I don't have many original ideas. (just don't!) I see things and then think of how I can recreate it! I did that with this:

This girl made one and so did This girl. I thought about it for a long time and then went to search for some old books that I found at Goodwill for 50 cents each.But- Martha copied me (Yes it is true!) The Queen of crafts copied THIS from me! I got her magazine today and saw it in there. I can't edit my photos that I scan because we don't have a program yet on this new computer and the craft is not yet on her website- so you'll have to take my word for it!) But it feels good to be someone's inspiration! Hee hee!


Shauna said...

I ♥ your blog! Thanks for sharing :)

Jan said...

Well I never Terra, thought I would see such copying going on. Well if Martha can you can.

It turned out better than mine. Copy all you want, but don't make it better :)

Anonymous said...

It turned out so cute! And I love the card holder too. Funny, I just saw it in Martha today too!

Raina said...

Very cute! i love Martha as long as she isn't gardening... i hate gardening! In any case, it's not as if everything she does is original by any means!