Sunday, December 14, 2008

Don't Believe Everything You Read!

road Pictures, Images and Photos

Has anyone seen the front page of the newspaper today? If you haven't go HERE.
Jon and I were laughing at how much he was mis-quoted.
And just for the record, we moved away cuz we got a schmokin' hawt deal on the house and land, NOT because of traffic congestion. (Didn't even realize that was an option!)


Lillian Callister said...

Traffic problems in the Tri-Cities?? Wow I must be living in the wrong part, move to Kennewick the most traffic I see is in the carpool lane at the elementary school. We read that article but for some reason it didn't click that it was Jon, next time he will have to give his full name Jon Jacobjingleheimer!

Debie Spurgeon said...

I saw that article and was sure that your move was just to get closer to the Spurgeon's. I didn't believe the traffic issue for one minute.