Have you ever watched The Santa Clause 2? Do you remember the part where Tim Allen starts the de-santa-fication? Where he isn't gonna be Santa anymore until he gets married. So to find a wife, he starts to de-santa-fy, and looses his big tummy, white hair and beard. This all make a BIG difference with his appearance.
From this 

To this

And finally to this:

But now the hardest part of all! The De-santafication of your "December body"! Every new year is a new plan to make yourself and your life and definitely your body, better! If only it was that easy to be Tim Allen and to slim down within a day or two. To change your bad habits and create a "better" you! Are you ready to start fresh? Then let the De-Santa-fication process start working on all of us! (And may the good Lord help us with all our goals this year!- I know I am gonna need it!) Goodbye Hot Cocoa- I shall miss you as my mid-morning treat!
T's New Years Goals!
#1 Loose this $@%# weight that I can't seem to get rid of!
#2- Read Scriptures as a family again- we have taken too long of a break
#3- Wake up earlier- I don't like leaving my cozy bed in the winter!
-My other goals are personal ones like being a better wife, mother and person!
What are your New Year Goals?
Terra, that is very clever. I love it. I know that I definately need to de-santa-fy.
Oh, I forgot about the hot chocolate. I don't like to get out of bed in the winter either. I like the sun to wake me up.
I'm plotting and planning my De-Santafication process as well! Atleast my "Ho Ho Ho" has skinnied back down to an "LOL" perhaps with a little more work I'll have shrunk down to a *giggle*....I love your posts they always make me smile! (AND BIG!) =D
Very cute way of bringing it to the real.
I am working on alot of things. I am tired.
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