Friday, March 27, 2009

Book Recommendation

So I started posting my book recommendations on Goodreads, but I am still getting questions about what I have been reading and why didn't I put it on this il' bloggie. ( guess my blog is more interesting than my Goodreads list). So I will post more book recommends here too.

The Vampire Diaries.

I was told that it was written in the earlier 90's about a Vampire who falls in love with a high school girl...oh! and he can read minds.

Wait a minute...Doesn't this sound familiar? Didn't I already read this series? My immediate reaction was, "No Stephenie, how could you????"

But guess what. It is incredibly different. (yep and that is all you are gonna get!)

You don't fall in love with the girl and the vampire like you do in Twilight. In fact it took me quite a few books to even like the girl cuz she starts out a complete snob.

Books 1,2,3,&4 came out in the 90's, but the author started a continuing trilogy (that is a lot darker than her first 4 books) but I still liked it (yes, I know I'm strange. It is what gives makes me colorful and fun to be around-lol!!!)

Oh! And it is really funny that in books 1-4 there is no modern technology (cell phones, computers, etc) But in book 5 (that starts 1 week after that 4the one left off) the characters all have cell phones and the diary in written on a computer instead of a notebook. You gotta love modern technology! (I know I and this bloggie do!)

Anyway- It was a fun read, so when your love of Twilight fades, Pick up The Vampire Diaries! I am done with the series, so if yo are local and would like to borrow it... let me know!

1 comment:

Raina said...

I saw this book somewhere book couldn't bring myself to read it as I didn't want to compare it with Twilight. I HAVE been thinking about reading Interview With a Vampire as it is suppossed to be very good... loved the movie and The Lost Boys movie too :)