I can't believe that we have been home now for about 3 weeks. I have been so busy with school and life in general that I haven't been making it to the blog.
Aaargh! I want to post the trip so that I don't forget and so that I can post other things in life that should be recorded. (Like Jack walking and our new family tradition every Fri., and I have started
exercising... yeah, really I
couldn't believe it either!) Why do I feel that I just can't keep up?

Jon and Terra in Amsterdam
I have tried too many times to lighten this pic and
google won't let me upload the changes. So here it is in it's raw form. I have too much to blog and too little time to do it-
I didn't see you today. Are you sick or is the babe? Let me know what I can do to help you out. I love that you were there together. What a cute picture of you 2. Good luck with those moves.
Glad you back in the blog world! What a fun summer you had. That's great that you two get to get away with out the kids. I hate leaving my kids. We need to do that more.
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