1. I love love love black liqorice (Did I mention I love it?)
2. I am terrified of heights.
3. Three's Company was my favorite show growing up. I wanted to be called Terri for awhile cuz of the character on the show.
4. I took a bowling class in college. (but I really don't know anything anymore) I would tell people that it was my major. hehe
5. I cried when I was pregnant with Nolan cuz my butt got so big.
6. I HAVE to wear chapstick. Have for years. Can't go ANYWHERE without some and if I find that I forgot it, I look for a store where I can quickly get some!
7. I always felt so bad cuz when I was in the Young Women's program in church, I never earned all my medaliions. But that is okay cuz Jonny never got his Eagle in scouts. So I guess it was meant to be!
I laughed pretty hard at the comment about your but getting big. I hardly doubt that you are skinny minny! Thanks for that tag now I have something to post for tomorrow! So look for it!
Man! I was going to invite you to jump off those high cliffs in the Potholes next year. But you would be scared of the heights. LOL...
Cute tag answers.
thanks for tagging me, I will get on it. :) How do you put the tag thingy on my blog? Im retarted I know
Hey Terri;)
It is a pretty cool name. I loved your answers! I think I tagged some of the same people.
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