Here are the pix that I got from Aaron (Jonny's Bro) from their fishing trip at Sund's Lodge. It looks like they had a blast. I know my freezer full of halibut is happy too!!!
Jon, Grandpa Paul, Aaron and Nolan

"What's for Dinner, Hon?"

"So Dad, I was thinking... lets buy a boat!"

Here are the cute cabins that they stayed in!
Nolan (and Jon) caught the big fish one night, so he got to sit in the "The Big Fish Chair"
I wonder where we are going next!?

The guys came back with the best stories and the biggest smiles on their faces!
I am so glad that they had such a blast!
Jon came home and curled up with this:

Did your kids like the colorful canadian funny money? How about those loonies and toonies? My kids love the money. I miss it, because you could always tell how much money you had just by clancing in your wallet. Here in the states all you see is gray money starring back at you!
Sounds like a fun trip. I miss home.
Better not show this to Ed, he'll be calling you guys to go on your next trip with you all... Looks like a blast.
those pics are great! How fun, those fish are HUGE! YUM! Invite me over! :)
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