My father died when I was a Jr. in high
school. I was daddy's little girl and had a hard time when he left the world. But I had 16 beautiful years with him. He taught me so much and took such pride in my values. Looking back, he had such patience with us when we sometimes didn't deserve it. I wish that he could meet my children. I get so sad sometimes that they will never know him and how wonderful he was. On this father's Day, I will remember him by telling one of my favorite stories of my dad.

My Dad worked as a waiter for
Bally's Casino in Vegas. He went to work at 3pm and didn't come home until around midnight and we didn't get to see him after we got home from school. I remember one night we we came home from our mother's house. Dad was called into work and wasn't able to be there. We hadn't seen us much that week and I think that he missed us. We walked in and Grandpa told us that Dad had something special for us. In the corner, on a desk was a bunch of gum-drops,
marshmallows and toothpicks. Dad had drawn up some diagrams of a craft for us, by making 3d structures using all those objects. He even had made some examples. I remember walking in and feeling totally amazed and loved by what he did for us. Dad was always so creative and loved doing activities with us. Even though he wasn't there to do it with us, he still thought of us through his devotion and time. I will always remember that and now I write it down so that my children can one day read it!

When the Lord closes a door, He opens a window. I never expected to have another father. When I married Jon, he came with his own Mom and Dad (who knew-
hehe). I have gotten to know and love my Father in Law for his gentleness and thoughtfulness. Every conversation of ours always starts off with him asking me about the weather. It is something I have come to love and expect. I met my
Fil for the first time b4 Jon and I were married. By then end of our visit, I remember that he gave me a hug and then shook Jon's hand as we were leaving. I felt so excited and special that I got a huge hug and Jon just got a handshake! I still feel special by his sweet hugs and big smile! Thanks for all you do Dad!

Happy Father's Day!
I chose this song on my playlist in memory of my father. It was one of his Favorites and I heard stories of him driving his best friend crazy by playing it over and over and over again!
Such a sweet story Terra.
I think all dads love to talk about the weather.
You're so sweet for sharing such thoughful words about your dads. I'm so sorry that you dad isn't here to meet your sweet kids, one day....!
I like this song.
It must be hard to be celebrating Fathers Day some years and have your dad not present, but I also love how you realize how blessed you are for having Jon's dad present. You were lucky to have had such a wonderful father and then to have a wonderful father in law. Loved this tribute today. And welcome home..
Hey, great blog site. That was a sweet story about your dad. I bet he gets to peek down on you and your kids once in a while.
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