Saturday, March 29, 2008

Girlz Night Out-4!

For our BIG Girlz Night Out, we went to the Craft Fair. It was a lot of fun! It gave me some great ideas and the girls were so excited they were running all over, looking at each booth.
Here they are looking at a lady Making candles. Carli was mezmerized by this and watched her for quite a long time. She also asked the lady a TON of questions. Needless to say, I think the poor lady was pretty happy to see us move on!

Saralyn bought Leah a princess crown- but I think that was because she secretly wanted to wear it! Look how gorgeous!

After the craft fair, we went to Applebee's for dinner! Yummy Food!

But you know every girls night out has to end with dessert!

Carli and I got the Choc. Lava cake.

I'm crazy for Lava Cakes!!!

Dessert always makes these girls happy!

Leah couldn't get enough of the yummy apple-thing that they got! (I think her eyes were bigger than her stomach!)

Here is an idea for our next girls night out!

(Don't forget to pause the music on my playlist)

Don't send a lame eCard. Try JibJab Sendables!

Friday, March 28, 2008


I ran out of posting ideas this week. But stay tuned as we are doing another Girls Night Out tonight. I will keep everyone updated. Also...Thanks Grandma Sharon and A. Amy & uncle Nathan. The kids loved the packages filled with $ and candy! Now they have money to spend while on their sugar- high! Watch out Wal-mart!!!

Monday, March 24, 2008

Crazy for Cuckoos!

Awhile ago my friend Miss Mattie gave a post where she said that she loved lil' birdies. Around that time, other people that I knew were starting to post their infatuation with birds and birdie stuff too. And all the time I thought, "oh Really? Birds?" They are NOT cuddly and they can be loud and squaky!
But here I am- posting my CRAZY Luv for birdies! (I guess that I am a sucker for good advertizing) Martha's magazine came this month with a "how to" make birdies and nests. I would love to make one (but probably never will). If anyone does, please show me!

I rarely buy nick-nacks- (just DON'T need any more clutter) but couldn't resist these cute lil' chicks at Target. (They match my kitchen wall color!)

BUT then I went to Craft Warehouse, and my knees went weak when I saw their new inventory. BIRDS! Bird cages, bird nest, bird eggs, bird do-hickies....birds, birds, birds...and I loved it all!

I fell in Love with these sweet lil' birds that were vintage looking!

Then I saw these there too. You can't tell by the picture, but they are the faintest color of blue (I put them in the cabinent in my bathroom)

Then awhile back I bought an antique key and have been looking for a hook for it- Of course I had to put in on a birdie hook!

This morning, a little bird landed on a branch outside my kitchen window and I saw its shadow in the house. My first thought was, "Oh! that is so cute, I need a picture of it- or need to make a sillohette of it or something- I have been seeing these same birds all my life- and never thought anything of them!
I think my brain has gone to the birds... or is the expression" gone to the dogs?" Whatever!
Gas prices and food prices are sky- rocketing and I am buying Birds. - I need Help!

What is your CRAZY obsession?

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Day!

Last night we painted the eggs. (Okay- the kids were horribly grouchy- so we didn't get to make the object lesson Easter cookies- but we did have a good talk about Easter and why it is important to celebrate this holiday).
Jack helped us prepare for the Easter Bunny.
Caught- ya'!

The E. bunny kept it simple this year! He gave out books and videos. (Thanx Easter Bunny- I was getting tired of listening to the same videos in the car!)

Then it was time for church! Carli had a rough morning and fell asleep during sacrement meeting!

The kids clean up well- huh?!?

They had to wait 2hrs. for Daddy to come home before they hunted for their eggs. But they were patient and it paid off! Just look at all that loot!

The E. Bunny gave them plastic eggs with jelly beans and Candian $ inside (we are going to Canada in June- How did that E Bunny know?!?)

Hope you had a Lovely Easter!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Have a Lovely Easter!

What are Your Easter Traditions?

Today we are going to color Easter Eggs and get ready for the Easter Bunny to come.
Tonight, I am hoping that we can make special Easter cookies with a special lesson about Easter. We did them about 2 years ago- and it really worked! Here are the

(To be made the evening before Easter)
You will need the following ingredients:
• 1 cup whole pecans
• 1 teaspoon vinegar
• 3 egg whites
• A pinch salt
• 1 cup sugar
• A zipper baggie
• A wooden spoon
• Tape
• Bible
Preheat oven to 300 F.
Place pecans in zipper baggie and let children beat them with the wooden spoon to break into small pieces. Explain that after Jesus was arrested He was beaten by the Roman soldiers.
Read John 19:1-3. Let each child smell the vinegar. Put 1 teaspoon of vinegar into mixing bowl.
Explain that when Jesus was thirsty on the cross, He was given vinegar to drink. Read John 19:28-30. Add egg whites to vinegar. Eggs represent life. Explain that Jesus gave His life to give us life. Read John 10:10-11. Sprinkle a little salt into each child's hand. Let them taste it and brush the rest into the bowl. Explain that this represents the salty tears shed by Jesus' followers, and the bitterness of our own sin. Read Luke 23:27. So far the ingredients are not very appetizing. Add 1 cup sugar. Explain that the sweetest part of the story is that Jesus died because He loves us. He wants us to know and belong to Him. Read Psalms 34:8 and John 3:16. Beat with a mixer on high speed for 12 to 15 minutes until stiff peaks are formed. Explain that the color white represents the purity in God's eyes of those whose sins have been cleansed by Jesus. Read Isaiah 1:18 and John 3:1-3. Fold in broken nuts. Drop by teaspoons onto wax paper covered cookie sheet. Explain that each mound represents the rocky tomb where Jesus' body was laid. Read Matthew 27:57-60. Put the cookie sheet in the oven, close the door and turn the oven OFF. Give each child a piece of tape and seal the oven door. Explain that Jesus' tomb was sealed. Read Matthew 27:65-66. GO TO BED! Explain that they may feel sad to leave the cookies in the oven overnight. Jesus' followers were in despair when the tomb was sealed. Read John 16:20 and 22. On Easter morning, open the oven and give everyone a cookie. Notice the cracked surface and take a bite. The cookies are hollow! On the first Easter Jesus' followers were amazed to find the tomb open and empty. Read Matthew 28:1-9. HE HAS RISEN!!!!
Hope you have a Beautiful Easter Sunday!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thanx Gramma Elvon!

Your Easter package arrived today and the kids love their eggs, candy, $ and new Moab shirts!

They get a lil' crazy when packages come!

What was in that candy, anyway?

Have a Great Day!

Oh yeah! For a good laugh, check out my friend, Jan's blog and play the video!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Are you craving sweet treats?

Well you can't have these...

or these.

Remember that post last week, when I asked what I was gonna make from these...

I got the Idea from this genius lady in Austalia, and then found the directions from this genius lady!

There was a cute cake stand in TJMaxx awhile ago- but I didn't buy it cuz I didn't know where I would put it when I wasn't using it - Now I am ready to buy a cute cake stand and have these confections on them all year. (I think I will make some for each holiday!)

How many kids do you think I will fake out?

Monday, March 17, 2008

I'ts Over!, I'm Done, Sorry I missed it!

It's Over!
It's been a long weekend. The R.S. birthday dinner is over and it went well.

We had a good turn-out (Even though there is no people in these pictures- I took them b4 everyone came) I learned a lot-just preparing for this pasta-bar dinner. (Like how to cook pasta for 80 people and keep it warm for hours too.) I liked the Christmas lights that we put around the gym. We dimmed the lights and they really stood out!

The tables turned out cute too!

For the entertainment- we played the Eternally Wed game! (like the Newly Wed game) It was so funny- that I had streams of tears coming down- what a blast!

I'm Done!

I sat on the couch on Sat. until I finished reading my book. (Didn't get that much done- other than finding out the conclusion to this story)

The beginning was engrossing, the middle was just kinda gross, but at the end there was a twist. It was pretty good. I am not sure what I am gonna read next... any suggestions?

Sorry I missed it!

This post is for Saralyn. This weekend has been so crazy that I totally forgot to give her a birthday blog (on her Birthday!) So Happy Birthday Saralyn! Just how old are you??? heehee

3 Things that I Like about Saralyn.

1. She tells it how it is. (No crap- just the truth- but always funny!)

2. I always laugh when around her-just ask her about her "Lazy Ass"-(C'mon people - its about a donkey!) She kills me!

3. She wants to be my neighbor (Okay- I think that there is something wrong with her on this one!!!- She has seen our family and still wants to live here (and hopefully still will after this post!) - That's just CRAZY Woman!!!)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Book Recommendation!

Bridger and I highly recommend this book!
I have learned to have a appreciation for children's literature. In college, sometimes during my elementary ed. classes, our teachers would stop teaching and just read us a children's book. Sometimes the story was excellant, sometimes the pictures were excellant, sometimes the pictures told their own story. Whatever the reason, I can remember what a realxing experience it was to have a child's book read to you during the hectic day. The kids and I have been going to the library once a week now, and yesterday Bridger and I came accross this book. I thought it had a good message and I thought that it was ironically funny for parents!
It is about a pea that likes to do many things, but one thing that he doesn't like to do is eat his dinner.. which is candy!
But he is a good pea and eat all 5 pieces of his candy- dinner so that he can get dessert. What is dessert you might ask?

Spinach!- He loves it- Yum!

Then they lived "Hap-pea-ly ever after!"

Hope You Have a "Hap-Pea" Day!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Projects!- Have to, Need to, Want to...

I have so many projects going on right now. One I have to do, One I need to do, and One I want to do.

The Project that I have to do is this Friday. The Relief Society Birthday DInner. I don't mind these- but I feel like this one has pieces all over the place that I am hoping will come together that day (we will see what really happens.) It is the kind of project where I warn my family that normal life will begin again this Sat. when it is all over. I think that it will be fun. Thanks to my mom-in-law for good ideas, we are playing the Eternally Wed Game (like the Newly Wed Game) (this girl is gonna be in it!) and having a pasta bar. Doesn't sound too tough- right?!?

Then there is the project that I need to do. I convinced my hubby that we "needed" a hutch from a thrift shop that I am in the process of painting. I used to love to give a fresh look to an old "something"- and I still do, however- painting the project is killing me. What is the expression? "If I never paint anything again- it would be too soon!" I am more excited about things to put on and in the hutch- rather than actually gettin' it done! I'm a slackin'!- Bigtime (But happy to announce that the top half is painted and needs to be stressed!)This is the b4- I will post the after at a later date!

Then there is the project that I want to do. You know when you see an idea or craft and get totally obbsessed with it- until you do it? (maybe it's just me!) Well, I was stalking blogs the other day and came accross one in Austrailia- where this lady sells these cute little do-hickies. She even called them "shabby chic" (you know I am a sucker for shabby-chic) Anyway- I will do what Miss Mattie and did see how many people can guess what I am gonna make from these:

I have already made a couple and have to wait and do the others in stages. But I should be able to post them when life continues again after this Fri.

Of Course... What I would really, really like to do is curl up on the couch in favorite sockies with a warm cup of hot cocoa and read my newest library checkout:

But all these kids that call me "Mom" would be lost and my laundry is threatening to walk around on its own if I don't take care of it soon!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Girls Night Out!- 3

I went with Nolan's class at school to see "Pinocchio" (a play put on by a children's theater group). I have never been a big fan of the story of Pinocchio- but thought that this version was done exceptionally well- (good storyline, good actors, good props). I thought that Carli would like to see it- So we called up our fav. Gal- Pals...

Piled in the ol' mini- van and cruised on over to the Hanford High School to watch it!

Here is a little video of them coming out and bowing at the end. The costumes were cute- Even though Pinnochio wasn't wearing his nose in this video- He did have it on throughout the play and it really did grow!
The tough critics gave it good ratings!
Then we went to The 3 Margharitas
for some chips and Fried ice cream-Yum!
There is nothing like fried ice cream at 10 pm!
(It looks better in this picture than it does on me!)

We so CraZeee! -

What are we gonna do next?-

(no really- I got nothing!- no ideas)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

My Horror Movie

Terra walked through the freshly cleaned house. She enjoyed the tidy pillows on the couch. She marveled at the texture of her newly vacuumed carpet. She felt happy and organized! Yes, all was good until.....................

She turned around and it was suddenly there... eating at her like a stinky maggot. Everywhere she turned, "The Mess" followed. She couldn't escape it. What was she gonna do? After many minutes of scratching her head, she finally picked up a jacket....then another. ....

until the problem was under contol. But before she went to bed again that night, she took one last look at the freshly cleaned room that brought her so much joy....


Is there no way to escape, "THE MESS?"
(I can't believe it, I clean the house during the day, and it is gross again that night... This is my ultimate horror movie!- and the worst part?!?...It never ends... ever!)