She had a fun party with a bunch of her friends. (We shipped off the boys to a friend's house, so that we could focus on Carli and her gaggle of gal pals!)
First, was the water balloon fight. (Girls are much nicer than boys- NOBODY cried-I couldn't believe it!)
Then we put the sprinkler under the trampoline and they had a blast jumping on it!
We went to Costco to buy the cake (cuz their the best!) and Carli got her traditional rainbow cake!
(Cake will do that to you- it does for me anyway!)
Carli wanted to open each of her friend's gifts and then pose for a picture with them!
Happy Birthday Carls!
I hoped being 7 is all you dreamed of and more!!!
Happy Birthday Carli. The party looked like a blast. Last week was a much nicer bathing suit weather than this week. I love your new play set outside. It is really getting kid friendly over that way. Next year is the baptism..
You put on a great party. I love that you have a traditional cake, that's so smart. That way, there's no wondering what to make. Glad the weather cooperated for your party.
Hope you had a good one Carli.
If this was posted on her birthday, then I think she shares a birthday with Jared. Happy belated Birthday Carli!
Sydney had so much fun...she fits right in with the silliness. When Carli was over on Wednesday I think they were laughing 98% of the time.
Looks like a great birthday party! Happy Birthday Carli! :)
Girls are so fun eh!
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