Last Monday night (a week ago) we had a ground-breaking party for all the
families that bought land over by us.
We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows.....
and made

Then out came the GOLD shovels! (sheen, sparkle, sparkle!)
The Andersons broke ground (the Anderson Family is only a couple of weeks away from starting to build)
Moons broke ground (Their house is up for sale- so they will be the next to build)

and so we did too (even though we told everyone that we wouldn't be actually breaking ground for quite awhile!)

Campbells will also be joining our little neighborhood in a couple of years! I will have to blog about that super
awesome family later! But you may remember
Saralyn and Leah from our
No way. Saralynn is in on the fun too. How can this be possible that Zion is in our backyard. I am so excited about all this fantastic news Terra. Life is getting better.
Now if we can just convince Mr. Rodgers to move here. He would be a great babysitter for the whole clan while the adults just set back and laugh and laugh and laugh. I can hear it all now. Yeah for all of us..
YEAH!! Looks like you guys will have a great time living "together."
So you are building now or later? How fun, Saralyn is so fun that will be awesome. I love ALl your new neighbors!
Love the golden shovels, it wouldn't be the same with regular metal ones.
Is this just the beginning of your weekly block parties?
Are you guys building a new house? That party was such a cute idea.
We are building a new house- we have a lot a ready saved for us-
sorry to confuse everyone! It will still be a few years b4 we are ready to build!
Well glad to see you all had a lot of fun! You will be adding quite a bit to the neighborhood! Cant wait to see future posts on everyones progress!
Sounds fun! Kylee Anderson is in my class at school.
Hi Terra - Thought I would blog you instead of call you on the phone that way you can do this when you get a chance. I need a copy of the invoice/bills from Culbertson so I can give it to the bank. They are including what we have paid so far as part of our equity. Please let me know when I can come by and pick that up and then copy it and bring it back. Thanks.
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