Carli's birthday is this weekend. Some packages arrived today from both grammas. We opened Gramma Sharon's package since I knew that there were things in it for all the kiddies. Thanks Grammas. The kiddies thought that it was a huge treat to get new outfits and small toys.

Everyone wanted to pose with Jack Jack! 

Right away, Bridger wanted to try on his new clothes. His Swimming outfit was by far his favorite! (No Bridger, you can't wear it to bed!)
Carli liked her new Soccer ball outfit! She got a ball and the game was on!
Nolan likes animal shirts!
We got a package from Gramma Elvon too!
(We will wait til Carli's party to open it and the wrapped presents from G. Sharon)
This was by far the kids favorite thing in the package. Can you guess what it is???
a. A fruity peach drink
b. a orange paint that smells peachy
c. A peachy potion that brings out your inner child and keeps you young forever.
d. A peach- colored putty-like substance that makes "farting" noises once your thumb is placed inside.
Hope You have a Rootin' Tootin' Day! (Do you like my hint?)
My kids love the noise making putty stuff. Jack Jack is such a doll! Happy Birthday Carli-Sydney is soooo excited!
Grandma surprises are so much fun! Happy Birthday Carli!
Very clever effort Terra. I have to hand it to you. I love those goodies. And that type of boxing looks fun. At least there is no blood involved.
You guys get more packages will fun stuff inside than anyone I know. Happy Birthday Carli and have a great party.
Those tooting putties are hilarious! I hope Carli enjoyed her birthday, it looks like they loved the box. :)
Too bad it is not C.We think it is D. looks like lots of fun.
Gotta love Flarp... :) My boys think it's hilarious! Anything that makes the sounds of bodily functions are a hit at my house. Looks like your kids had a lot of fun with Grandma's surprises (and the box)! Happy Birthday Carli!
grandma-boxes are the best! we love them fact, ms. ella asks me (practically every day) if there is a surprise for her from oma or grandma. funny girl!
happy birthday carli!
My kids love that stuff, not so much!
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