The Theme for the night was "Grease"!

What better way to start off the night than by get ting Mexican Food!
Our favorite GNO Gals joined us!
I was gettin' that hankering for Arrows con Pollos. And of course every girls night out involves ice cream!
Can you hand Jive?
We already have an idea for our next GNO!
Looked like you had fun. Next girls night out you should go get a pedicure. That would be fun.
Bye bye.
You 2 have way to much fun. It is always entertaining to listen to what you guys end up doing. And ice cream always seems to be involved. And of course dancing around. How fun. Tell Saralynn that we named a hermit crab using her name. She will be thrilled I am sure. Sorry about your hair today. I seriously couldn't resist. It is just so pretty. Well that owner of the hair is really pretty. Wow.........
You guys are amazing. You go everywhere and do everything. I am feeling pretty boring right now. Glad you enjoyed GREASE. What a perfect evening, treats, food and entertainment: With great friends.
You ladies are a hoot! It's fun to see your girls night out. These are the things she'll remember when she grows up.
Looks like you had a lot of fun!!
I love Grease too.
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