Thursday, February 21, 2008

Book Recommendation!

Well- I got done reading this

and this

and this!

I have to admit- I wasn't expecting to like it a whole bunch after Harry Potter- but it was pretty awesome! I really enjoyed them- and just went from one to another as fast as I could. I think that my fav. thing about them is that the author is LDS- and she has romance in the books without them going too far (considering they are for young adults!) The 4th book comes out in Aug.!

I got an email from my friend (Hi Stac!) and she said that they read them for her book club group. I would never have thought to discuss them. But I met with a bunch of ladies today to let our kids play- and found ourselves talkin' about them. I was so surprised that everyone had a different view on them. Some Loved Edward, (Myself included) Some loved Jacob, and some thought that they were too scary to finish the whole series (really?~?)

I guess the way I feel is that if you are gonna fall for a mythological creature- then I would fall for the one that has the patience and wisdom of 100 year old- with the body of a 17 year old!

What are your thoughts?

My next book adventure is this:

I went to a friend's house to return something and asked if they had and recommended any good books -Ohmygosh! It was like asking the Prophet if he knew of a good church to join.

I walked out of there with a small stack of books and got ideas for others to read later.

Mother and Daughter, Cindy and Michelle told me that this was a good series (I am on ch. 2- will have to write about it later!)


Jan said...

Heard alot about them, but have not read a single one. So my thoughts are useless to you. But you make me want to read them. Theres a thought for you.

Sonja said...

It's a cult!!! I swear!! Of course, I joined it :) I love the Twilight series. Stephenie Meyer is coming out with a new book (not part of the Twilight series) really soon call The Host. I can't wait to read it.