Monday, February 4, 2008

Tag- I'm It!

This Lovely Lady Tagged Me, so here goes:

Where were you born? Las Vegas, Nv (Home of Elvis, slot machines and Wayne Newton- saw him in concert!)

Middle name: Lynn

How old will you be this year? 33

Nicknames: Hon or Honeeee (Depending on my spouse's mood!)

Are you taller than your mother or father? both, I think

Do you cry often during movies? I am trying to cut back!

What is your biggest pet peeve? Being called "Tara" (with an AR sound in the middle- my name is tERRa!)

Favorite color: Love the green family

Favorite foods: Sometimes I just get that hankering for Costco Cheese Pizza!

Favorite beverage: Italian Soda or Coke (Don't judge me!)

Favorite cold cereal: Gotta be Lucky Charms- They ARE magically Delicious! (and full of sugar-Yum!)

Favorite Smells - Smells of Christmas and Fall- I am a 'Spice -Girl'-Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmeg- Yum!

Favorite time of day: Anytime after the kid's bedtime!

What brand of shampoo/conditioner do you use? Whatever smells yummy!- I switch a lot!

Make-up products? I use the cheap stuff- I hate to admit it- but only use eyeliner most days- and other than that, I only do up my whole face 4 church! Lately I have wanted to do something involving fake eyelashes!

How many pillows do you sleep with? 2

Do you play an instrument? The CD Player

Have you ever been skinny dipping? I don't think Morman-Republicans do that! Do they?

Did you do any sports in High School? Nope

What was the last movie you saw in the theater? I am Legend- Totally egde of your seat!

What is your favorite article of clothing? I like them all!- Love shirts!

What is your dream vacation?Anywhere- (Maybe not so much Africa- getting a skin-melting disease has never appealed to me very much!)

What was your first impression of your spouse? (I didn't think he was that cute- long story- but he thought the same of me!)

If you were an animal what would you be? Possum- I just like the sound of the name

What is your favorite "me- time" activity? Blogging, reading, shopping, shopping,shopping

What is your dream car? I am not into cars, but I guess that I have always wanted a convertable something!- But my hair tangles too easy!

What is one of your weaknesses? sugary desserts, my hubby's big brown eyes (oh! That is 2!)

What do you fix for dinner when there's nothing to fix? Nachos, quesidillas, or- Jon- do you want a pizza?(That one usually has pretty good results!)

If you could live in a different decade/era which one would it be? Not Sure- I think the 80's again- Big Hair and different colors of socks on each foot- who wouldn't want to! (Sometimes my kids look like they are in the 80s.)

What is the emotion you feel the most? I will side with Debie and say contentment!

Do you consider yourself outgoing? It depends- I try to be

What is something you are constantly working on? ORGANIZING MY HOUSE!/ Laundry

Any hidden talents? I asked my hubby if I had any and he said, "Yeah Baby- but none I would put on your blogspot!"

What is a word or phrase you overuse? "It's all Good"

What was the hardest thing that happened to you this past year? Giving Birth- Love the Babies- Don't Like the Pain- (Pregnancy rocks my world too!)

What is the best thing that happened to you this past year? Had a super baby- went where the pioneers walked (not at the same time though!)

What is one thing you hope to accomplish this year? change my attitude about my laundry

The best piece of advice you learned this past year? This from Pres. HInkley, which is now on a tile in my living room! Never thought about it that way- but it makes sense!

Who are the 6 people you are going to tag to do this survey? I only have a handful of people that I know that actually Blog-so I don't know if I can come up with 6 that haven't already been tagged- Sonja Y. and Karey B. Will try and think of more later! (Cm'on people- start a Blogspot!!!)


Jan said...

Your as funny as ever. Loved getting into your head for a bit.
Your great.

rip said...

Fun, fun, fun!We have the same middle name! How cool that your parents named you after me;) Maybe you could share your talents in an upcoming enrichment activity.

Debie Spurgeon said...

Thanks for playing tag. I think it's hilarious you want to be a 'possum of all the animals out there. I think a republican mormon can skinny dip if the circumstances are right.

Debie Spurgeon said...

I love the green family too. Funny sister moon.