So I have been doing a lot of blog stalking lately. Trying to get lovely fall ideas. (I just haven't been enjoying my favorite season as much this year.) I came across
THIS blog. I don't know who she is, but she has some great ideas, including
THIS recipe for Zesty Pumpkin Soup.

So I decided to make this soup for my dinner group tonight. I have been so excited to make it and went out sat. and bought all the ingredients. At 4pm, I started cooking the onions and soon after added all the spices. I could tell that it was going to be good with the earthy seasonings that I was adding from the recipe. One of the last items to add was the canned pumpkin. I quickly opened the lid and as I was dumping it in, I noticed a scent of cinnamon. I always associate cinnamon with pumpkin, so I thought, "Oh, I have never noticed that cinn. is in canned pumpkin. It wasn't until I was dumping the 2nd can that I noticed that the sugar and cinnamon wasn't really "going" with the other spices. I looked at the can again and noticed I bought PUMPKIN PIE MIX. Not canned pumpkin. (Are ya' kiddin' me?!?!- Who was in charge of designing labels on these babies?)

The soup was supposed to be creamy and this was like broth. (Really watered down) I made a quick run to the store and was able to deliver dinner just a little late. But the end result was very, very good. It was a good recipe and we served it with Rhodes rolls that I made into bread sticks and rolled in melted butter and then, herbs, garlic powder and Parm. cheese. (I am soooo making those again!)
So if this recipe DOES entice you, please READ the labels when you are buying your can of pumpkin!
What are your worst mis-haps in the kitchen???
The Loaf of Gum Bread: my Mom didn't see that amidst the flour she put into her breadmaker was a stick of spearmint gum to keep the flour fresh. It sure freshened up the bread--GROSS! Not a good combo
When we were first married we, well I guess, I, tried to cook hamburgers on the grill. The coals were not getting hot enough, so I squirted lighter fluid through the grate onto the charcoals. Needless to say, that lighter fluid then got on the hamburgers and tasted gross. I thought Rob was so rude not to eat my hamburgers. Live and learn.
Way too many mishaps to mention. That soup looks really good. I've made something similar with Butternut squash. The bread looks good also.
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