Sunday, October 12, 2008

Kid Funny!

Out of our 4 kids, one of them is bound to say something cute.
The kids wanted Ramen Noodles after church today. The older two were goofing around slurping them up and making a big splashy mess as noodles do when you suck them up really fast. Bridger was in a really mellow mood while he was eating his noodles. At one point, he sat back and said, "Mom, that noodle peed on me!" So true, Bridgie, so true!

In other news, Thank You Grandma Sharon for the Halloween Care Package! The kids went crazy and ate tons of candy (most of it they snuck) and already are wearing their new clothes!Hope you had a Great Weekend!


Deborama said...

Your funny, I love the ghost cupcakes! My kids will love making them..... at your house, were coming over! :)

Kori said...

Bridger is such a sweet guy. I love this age and the funny things they say!

Nicki said...

Great line. I might have to use that one with my kids some day and get a good laugh out of them. I love your music choices.