Well, I finished reading this book in the middle of our vacations that we took this summer. You know my love for Stephenie Meyers books. I had to blog about it! So here is what I think, but don't read any further if you don't want any spoilers.

Well, I really liked it, but I know that lots of people didn't. The 2nd half of the book prepares you for this giant battle that is gonna take place. You spend long amounts of time reading about all these different vampires and all their special powers, that come to help out the Cullens against the Volturi. But here is the kicker.................
The battle never takes place. I still liked it, but I was totally ready for the Volturi to get what was coming to them and for the funny Roman vampires to take their place as the peace-keepers. Maybe this will come into play in her next Twilight series book (although this is her last book from Bella's view)
Stephenie Meyer had a couple of interesting things on her site. She had a book recommendation. She said that she just couldn't put this down. So I thought, "What the Heck" and picked up my copy. I am still working on another book and haven't gotten to this one yet, but hopefully I will get to soon!

She also had the NEW movie trailer you can view it
HERE. This one make me sooo excited to see the movie. GNO for sure!!!
I'm happy you were able to read "Breaking Dawn." I still want more though. And I have to say that I LOVE your family picture. Who did it and where did you have it taken?
hey hey, lady gal! any thoughts on which "booth" activity you wanna do for the carnival? just lining out the schedule so it can be handed out on Sunday. lemme know. if you need any extra info buzz me. i have some info on my blog...but if there's more ya need just holler. =) thanks again. you're the best!
musical chairs....no, nobody has signed up for that....cute name conversion: how bout "creepy chairs" or "spooky seats" or my husband's suggestion is "shifting stools" but for some reason that brings up thoughts of like a colonoscopy....so...now that you're thoroughly disgusted....anyhow, musical chairs would be great! and my email is krromm@gmail.com. talk to you soon =0)
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