Thursday, January 24, 2008


I think of these posts as my journal- (I am embarrassed to say that I have never really kept a journal) Years from now, when I look back and my precious 3 year old who will then be a pre-teen and driving me mad, I want to look back at the dear and heart-felt moments that I have had the pleasure of sharing with his very sweet, little soul.Jon and I think that he is so funny and that he is CONSTANTLY asking you, "What you- doin'?" He will say, "Mom.....MOm...MOMMM.............what you- doin'?" sometimes, he just asks, "Doing?" And the funny part is that he always asks when we aren't doing anything really exciting. Most of the time I am doing something really simple, like pouring myself juice, or sorting the laundry (When my laundry and I socialize- not often) But I have come to the conclusion that he asks for 2 reasons,
#1- He really wants to know
#2- He wants to visit and get your attention to let you know that he is near!

So, when I am super duper old, and I forget what my teeny, shmeeny lil' curtain climbers and what their cutesy mannerisms were like, I want to look back on this and smile, look up at my spouse and say, "Doing?" (And then have a good laugh- cuz he will think that my Alzheimer's just took a turn for the worse!)

Today....I am "doin":
-Go help out in kid's classrooms for 1 1/2hours
-Take Bridger to the library- (I want to look for Harry Potter Books on cd)
-And I will spare you the rest- but it will probably end with picking up the house and feeding Jack!
(I am looking forward to this weekend, cuz Nolan has his pine wood derby races!)
"What You Doin', Today?"


Debie Spurgeon said...

You know our family loves your little boy. I'm pretty sure my kids would like to adopt him: they love his loving nature and sweet ways. I'm starting to understand his communicating, too. Now I know what 'puter is.

Jan said...

Cute post about your boy. They really do grow up fast and these are some of the best times of your life. I am "doin" a fun project. I hope I can keep "doin" it until done.